
An embryologist explains: Embryo freezing feature image

An embryologist explains: Embryo freezing

Nadia De Rosa, Embryologist and Deputy Lab Manager for Adora Fertility Sydney shares the science behind the scenes when it comes to freezing embryos. For patients undergoing IVF treatment our goal is to create embryos. With scientific advancements it is…

3D rendering of human cell or embryonic stem cell microscope background

How embryos are graded

Ever wondered how Embryologists grade embryo’s? What determines the stage of embryo development and the quality of each embryo? One of our Adora Embryologists, Jaime Wheeler, explains. Following the fertilisation check that occurs the morning after an egg collection, the…

IVF Embryo Development: Your Day by Day Guide

Emma Ebinger explains what happens behind the scenes in our lab, from egg to embryo. Egg Collection (Day 0) On the day of egg collection, you will speak to the doctor, a scientist and anaesthetist prior to your procedure. They…